Sep 30, 2010

Sep 24, 2010

Sep 18, 2010

Sep 13, 2010

Sep 10, 2010


Проезжая недвно по какой-то украинской деревне, заметил возле церквушки лавочку с незаурядным названием "Дары Бога".

Я живо представил себе разные рекламные слоганы к этому магазину. Например: "Дары Бога -- Только в нашем магазине!" Или: "Дары Бога -- небесное качество, доступные цены!". Ну или так: "Узнай свой дар -- всего от 39 грн".

Было бы смешно если бы не было грустно.

Sep 7, 2010


Tonight, my journey to the eastern Europe continues. I will leave Prague and wake up in Slovakia tomorrow. My plan is to make a short stop in a town called Michalovce before I cross Ukrainian border to find myself in the Transcarpathian city of Uzhgorod.

I want to spend some time in Slovakia for a few reasons. For the first, I have never visited the country before. In order to say I have been there, I need more than just travelling through by bus. Some hour in a small hole at the Ukrainian border will do. The second reason is my euro coin collection. Since Slovakian just recently joined the EMU, their coins were still rare in Germany as I lived there. I only have one of them, I don't remember which, however. Tomorrow, I therefore intend to be busy buying ice creams, biscuits and other cheap sweeties until I die or collect all the eight Slovak coins.

What kind of collector are you if you don't know what coins you have, someone may ask. Let me explain myself. In my collection, I have one coin from Slovakia, and one coin from Slovenia. One of valor €2, one of €1. Both are rare. Since I mix up the countries, I mix up the coins. Sometimes, you just need to visit a place on order to stop confusing it with others. At least that's what took me to learn the difference between Bucharest and Budapest. I also know that people asking me how's life in Switzerland have neither been there nor in Sweden.

PPS The photo is from the Prague city. I am proud of my new camera being able to make night pictures.

Sep 3, 2010

Prague 2

I am back to Prague. Gonna stay here for a few days before I continue to Ukraine through Slovakia. It is nice here (despite some tired airport workers) and very hot in comparison to Stockholm.


Packing for my trip to Eastern Europe. I am about to visit Czech Republic and Ukraine, and maybe some other countries as well. Leaving in 6 hours. Needs to get some sleep...

Sep 1, 2010


De senaste månaderna har jag fått en massa mail från vissa rekryteringsföretag. De flesta jobb som jag blir erbjuden är helt meningslösa och motsvarar inte alls min kompetens. Men jag håller ut, eftersom vissa få av dessa erbjudanden faktiskt är intressanta, och vissa ändra är rent av skrattretande.

Smaka på det här: "Tysktalande bedrägeriansvarig". Som arbetsuppgifter nämns bl.a. ansvaret för att "sätta igång bedrägeriprocesser". Personen som sökes ska vara "väl insatt i det tyska samhällssystemet".

Det verkar nämligen vara så att bedrägerimarknaden i Sverige är mättad, eller så har svenska rättsväsendet börjat funka de senaste åren. Hur som helst vill vissa inhemska bedrägeriföretag att expandera i Europa. För detta ändamål behövs det verkligen personer som är "snabbare, smartare och hungrigare."