May 31, 2010


A new hate attack against Israel, code named "Ship to Gaza", has come to its end today. The activists resemblance to terrorists is conspicuous: Their background and contacts, their way to finance the actions, their willingness to sacrifice lives for ideas. This time, however, Israel seems to have been well prepared. Not only did they win the ground fight, they are winning the media war.

May 30, 2010


Congratulations to all my German friends. I am proud of you. Schade dass ich nicht dabei sein kann, um den Sieg mit euch zu Feiern.

May 29, 2010

Tenth Post

Last month, I wrote about making nine posts per month on my blog. That's what I really intended to. So in April, as I has nothing else to write about, I wrote about the problem. But this month, so many things happen in my life, that I can't keep my limits. This is the post nr. 10. More stuff is coming soon...

May 26, 2010


Today, I finally got my graduate diploma from KTH. Now, I may be referred to as Master of Science in Engineering. The sheet of paper it is issued at is much less impressive, however, that the one I got from TU Darmstadt. Nevertheless, I am glad I have it. Now I may extend my work applications with one more pdf attachment and buy myself two frames to hang the two sheets on the wall.

May 23, 2010

Jesus Manifestation Stockholm 2010

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to join the annual Jesus Manifestation in Stockholm. We gathered at eight different squares in the city and marched to the central square of Kungsträdgården. It was a really nice feeling, kneeling down before God in the city center together with 25 000 other worshipers.

I like the concept of Jesus Manifestation. Normally, people make similar demonstrations against something. We demonstrated for Jesus. It is not made out desperation or in order to get some media attention. The large media almost ignored the event. We did it for Jesus, because he deserves it.

May 21, 2010


I have been flying between Frankfurt and Stockholm at least 20 times in the last few years. Every time I noticed a considerable difference in the weather. I estimated the temperature to be in average about 5 degrees higher in Germany. This time, Sweden turned out to be warmer for the first time. And much warmer. I was able to take off two layers of clothes at ones. Nice. The north seems to give me a great welcome home.

By the way, I found a good slogan for the cheapest European airlines. Check it out:
Ryanair -- if it fits.

May 19, 2010


Moving is an eye-opener. Some people realize how much they have. I am about to figure out the opposite. These three boxes contain 90 % of all my possessions. Still, I don't need much more...

May 16, 2010

How to make fire

You need:

* Coal.
* Cigarette lighter.
* Body spray.


- Place the lighter between the spray and the coal.
- Light the lighter.
- Spray until the fire catch.
- Enjoy your BBQ.

May 13, 2010

Zu Veschenken

Wegen meinem Umzug sind folgende Sachen zu Verschenken. Alles was keinen Nachbesitzer findet wird entsorgt.

[Die vergebenen Sachen sind mit (X) markiert, Stand 10:00 am 19.05]

Schreibtisch, 120×55 cm, 2 Schubladen.

Sofa, 2-Sitzen. (X)

Sitzkissen, 2x. (X)

Stuhl-Sitzkissen (X)

Gardine, ~230×70 cm.

Gardinen "Britt" (IKEA), 145×300 cm, 2x. (X)

Gardinen, die selben wie oben, aber unbenutzt in Originalverpackung. (X)

Whiteborad, 57×40 cm, mit oder ohne die bunten Magneten. (X)

Isomatte, Standardgröße. (X)

Engel-Statue, ~25 cm hoch. (X)

Bodenlampe. (X)

Schreibtischlampe. (X)

Decke, 200×220 cm, Füllung: Silikon.

Decke, 135×200 cm, Füllung: Polyester. (X)

Computertisch, 50×60 cm. (X)

Kleiderhaken (viele), Dekor-Blümchen, 2x.

Klimmzugstange (X)

Müllkorb, 9L, 24×20×40 cm.

Verlängerungskabel 1,5 m, 2x. (X)

Schwedisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch.


May 12, 2010

Back from France

It took two days and 237 km to fulfill my old dream to make it from Darmstadt to France by bike. Sleeping under a bridge, loosing a bag and staying with one foot in each country -- this is not a complete list of my brand new adventures.

May 9, 2010

День победы

Снова отмечать день победы в великой отечественной войне мне выпало в Германии. Думаю, мало кто удивится узнав, что этот день тут не особенно отмечают. Причины понятны: Для них это была не победа, а капитуляция. И хотя я пытался объяснить немцам, что продержись они месяца на три дольше, американцы испытали бы свою новую бомбу на Берлине, они как-то не очень охотно соглашаются.

Я давно заметил, что последнее, в чём можно обвинить немцев, это что они не знают своей истории. Но как раз об этом дне тут напоминало немногое. На эти выходные у меня выпала поездка по северу Гессена -- Кассель и Корбах. Я встретил пару десятков новых людей, большинству из них не постеснялся рассказать о своём происхождении, но никто из них в моём присутствие об отмечаемых в эти дни событиях не вспомнил. О войне вспоминали, но так, вскользь. Типа: "А мой дедушка был в России" -- "А мой не был, он был во Франции". Единственные, кто, казалось, помнили о победе -- еврейская община в Касселе. На главной площади города они устроили демонстрацию против антисемитизма, развернув плакат со словами благодарности странам-победителям: "spassiba - thank you - merci".

May 6, 2010


Attending the Konaktiva "Students meeting Business" Fair in Darmstadt. Have had some really nice conversations. I guess I am giving Germany the last chance right now...