I have had a nice time in Kiev. I was trained in selling massage equipment. I think I learned a lot. It is quite a nice job. One stays the whole day at the "island of health" and invites people to get free massage. If someone happens to accept the offer, one serves him or her. Then, if they happen to have enough money, they may buy the equipment.
Next week such an "island of health" stats in Chernivci and I will be wokring there.
Mar 30, 2008
Mar 25, 2008
В воскресенье после служения пригласил к себе домой на обед кучу народа, чтобы помогли мне доесть то, что осталось с новоселья. Привёл я их домой, рассадил, пошёл на кухню подогревать курочку. И тут за мной повалили все девчонки, кухню мою оккупировали, меня прогнали и лишь изредка звали меня, когда не могли что-нибудь у меня найти. Меня это, честно сказать, немало разозлило. Но спорить оказалось бесполезно, и я решил успокоиться, смириться. Думаю, в жизни у меня будет ещё огорчения побольше.
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At last I have made my way to the internet...
I have had a very nice time in Ukraine until now. Last Friday, I have made a welcome party at my place. I have had about 25 guests, most of them my good friends or those whom I want to be friend with.
One of my friends have found a nice job for me. To night I am going to Kiev for two days to get some basic education and then I will start working. Later, in the middle of April, I will go to Kiev again for two weeks.
Mar 13, 2008
Today it is two weeks sience I live in Ukraine. At last I could get to a computer with working internet connection. So now I take the opportunity to write many posts...
People I meet react differently when I tell them I have moved from Germany to Ukraine. Some say I am cool, because I do something vary few else want to do. Others tell me I am mad because of that. Some of my friend believe it was brave to dare it. Others surely think I am naive.
I find it funny to see the reaction of the people. But it actually does not really matter for me what they think. I knew was I was doing. And I am determined to complete it. Whatever the condition, whatever the outcome.
Интересно... Никогда раньше я не готовил на газовой плите. На электрической как-то легче. Там только шесть режимов. Ставишь себе какой хочешь и ждёшь. А тут ничего такого нет. Сам догадывайся, насколько правильно ты поставил огонь. Но ничего, я скоро научусь. Хотя, с другой стороны, есть большое искушение сходить покушать к родственниким. И не всегда у меня получается его победить.
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Last Friday I found a place to live. It is quite a nice flat on one of the main streets of the city. It is twice as big as I have had in Germany before. My furniture is quite old, but I can handle it. I am very satisfied. The only thing I lack by now is a refrigerator. But I hope to be able to find one soon. Until now, as the weather was cold, I could use the balcony as the fridge, but it won't work forever.
Mar 5, 2008
I am looking for a place to live. It is not that easy as I thought. There are many free flats, but also many who look for them. And the owners always prefer families or girls. Young guys is the most unpopular group.
Mar 3, 2008
Germany - Ukraine
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As I moved to Ukraine in February 2008
In my empty room before the departure | Departing from Darmstadt |
The bus Germany - Ukraine | The entrance to the city park of Rivne |
Waiting at the bus station in Rivne | At last in bed |
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Хотел вчера пойти на выборы. Но, как мне сообщили, в Черновцах не было точки голосования. Так что опять новый президент выбраз без моего несогласия.
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I am in Chernivci now. At last I have a possibility to get to the internet. I am quite ok. In the first two days I was a bit ill. But now I feel very good.
I am still at looking for a job and an appartment. I have quite a strong promise that I can have a job by the end of the week. Also, I know a guy who told me he had a spare room in his flat. I will try to meet him today to see, whether it fits me. It could be quite far away from the city center, but I am not sure I can find anything better by now.